Leadership Embodiment
Level 1

The key to performance and well-being

In Leadership Embodiment level 1, you will learn simple and powerful ways to connect mind and body, develop a strong relaxed and stable leadership presence and align with your purpose in the midst of action and challenging work situations.

You will identify the ways in which your behavior and habitual reactions limit you, and you will learn to shift to an open relaxed and centered state while under pressure.

Level 1 introduces practices for cultivating the 3 Leadership Competencies:

  • Being inclusive, especially in difficult situations
  • Listening to everything that is being said without taking things personally
  • Speaking up for what we believe in, even when there is strong resistance

You will leave with unforgettable insights and simple tools and practices that you can use in everyday work and throughout your life.


Leadership Embodiment
Level 2

Building on the foundation of Fundamentals level 1, the Intermediate level 2 course offers participants an opportunity to deepen their awareness and maintain a centered presence in a wide variety of situations and challenges.You will strengthen your presence, your self-confidence, your compassion and even your sense of humor.

Specifically,  Level 2 exercises will allow you to

  • align your body language with your verbal communication
  • center yourself under any sort of pressure and after loss or failure
  • communicate what matters to you in a fully embodied way
  • reinforce the power of your intention
  • receive difficult feedback while remaining open and not taking things personally
  • persevere despite lack of support and negative opinions
  • step back and reflect before responding to demands made of you
  • face multiple demands and learn to say no respectfully
  • cut through to the essentials
  • reveal what you really want and what level of ambition is right for you now…

You will learn how to use the Bokken (Japanese wooden sword) to raise your energy and increase your capacity for positive power, especially when speaking up.

Master Class


Relational Flow through UZAZU Embodiment Intelligence
with Embodiment Master Trainer and UZAZU Founder Dylan Newcomb
To receive first notice of the up and coming dates
please register on the waiting list

A  live three Day UZAZU Workshop in Paris

with Pre & Post-Workshop Online Support,

Relational Flow
through UZAZU Embodiment Intelligence

 for: Coaches, Counselors, Consultants, and other Helping Professionals

with Embodiment Master Trainer and UZAZU Founder Dylan Newcomb.

Learn to quickly identify your client’s specific underlying relational challenges and the nervous system imbalances that go along with them. Then learn a complete set of embodied practices & interventions that can ease-fully bring the system back into balance and support your clients to experience more ease, connection, and flow in their personal and professional relationships


The Social Presencing Theater by her creator, Arawana Hayashi

Part 1 : Social Presencing Theater Basics:  A two day introductory program into the basic practices of Social Presencing Theater

Part 2 : Social Presencing Theater – Village Intensive : A one day deepening of the practice of the Village



Retreat with Wendy Palmer

Seminar Wendy Palmer
April 2023

This residential retreat with Wendy Palmer is a unique occasion for healing and deepening your experience.

It’s an opportunity for you to refine your Presence practices with the creator of Leadership Embodiment.

It’s also a time to step back and reset yourself in an exceptional setting with the support of a peer group committed, like you, to finding authentic connections, power, openness and stability in their work and personal life.

The retreat lasts 5 days and the number of participants is limited to 16.

Access to Retreats is exclusively reserved for those who’ve already undertaken LE training Levels 1 & 2.

Leadership Studio
Parcours Praticien

du Présence & Leadership Institute


Praticien du Présence & Leadership Institute


Pratiques somatiques pour le monde de l’entreprise

7 journées thématiques + 3 jours de résidentiel (soit 10 jours de formation) + 4 soirées + un parcours de développement personnalisé sur une année + un groupe de soutien + vidéos et script

Le Leadership studio est un parcours de développement personnel et professionnel par la dimension somatique (corps – esprit). Il vise à vous permettre d’intégrer plus profondément le corps et les pratiques somatiques dans votre vie et à vous préparer à la transmission.

“Chaque année, les participants aux fondamentaux de Présence & Leadership expriment plusieurs demandes pour continuer leur développement personnel et professionnel :

  • certains veulent intégrer plus profondément les enseignements et ancrer leur pratique personnelle en étant soutenu de façon régulière.
  • d’autres souhaitent développer leur connaissance de soi à travers l’intelligence du corps et découvrir les autres approches d’Embodiment.
  • enfin, certains professionnels de l’accompagnement ont envie de transmettre et aimeraient se sentir plus outillés pour intervenir avec le corps en groupe ou en individuel.

J’ai conçu un parcours pour répondre à chacune de ces attentes. J‘ai envie de vous ouvrir mon coffre à trésors et partager une sélection des meilleures pratiques d’Embodiment agrégées au cours des 20 dernières années et que j’utilise pour moi-même et avec mes clients dans les organisations.

C’est la deuxième édition d’un programme en France et j’espère que vous serez du voyage.”
Pierre Goirand